[urq] Diff Lock Question
johnkarasaki at msn.com
Tue Jul 1 20:57:44 PDT 2014
Center only
On Jul 1, 2014 7:56 AM, Scott DeWitt <scotty at advancedautomotion.com> wrote:
Are we talking about locking the center diff or the center and rear diff?
On Tue, July 1, 2014 8:30 am, Schaible, David wrote:
> Probably good advice thinking about $ and parts availability to repair,
> however I don't know that I've heard of anyone in 15 years who has had any
> issues with center or rear diffs. I broke the actuator arm on my 200q20v
> rear diff in the lock position and drove it locked almost 10k miles before
> I replaced the diff. You can feel it and it will scrub your tires down
> faster but as far as it being dangerous.....I don't agree. Many people
> say the old setup, mechanical diff in center and rear is more predictable
> than the torsion.
> David Schaible
> JRS PHARMA LP | 2981 Route 22, Suite 1 | Patterson, NY 12563
> (P) 845.878.8343 | www.highfunctionalityexcipients.com | www.jrspharma.com
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> -----Original Message-----
> From: urq [mailto:urq-bounces at audifans.com] On Behalf Of Paul Ahvenainen
> Sent: Monday, June 30, 2014 10:17 PM
> To: urq at audifans.com
> Subject: [urq] Diff Lock Question
> I had 2Bennett do some work on my 83 urq last week. It's very nice to work
> with a team that understands these cars and actually keeps parts on hand.
> Any way, when I picked up the car, they gave me some advice about the
> differential locking mechanism. Basically, they said don't use it for
> anything other than getting out of a ditch. They said it should only be
> used at low speed, in a straight line, otherwise the handling will be
> dangerous and the repairs will be expensive. According to the owners
> manual the system is recommended for use for low traction conditions, like
> rain.
> I'm curious about experiences that other early urq owners have had. My car
> has the single stage activation that locks both the center and rear diff
> at the same time.
> Thanks. Paul
> Sent from my iPad
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Scott DeWitt
Advanced Automotion
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