[urq] UrQ windshields

John Corbs c.corbishley at comcast.net
Fri Jun 20 10:29:31 PDT 2014

Hi Mike:

I'd be interested but having been one of a number screwed by the hood buy group some years ago, I'd like to explore how we can build some safeguards in.

John Corbs

BTW not attributing that debacle to you in any way.

Sent from my iPhone

> On Jun 20, 2014, at 10:36, "Del Tergo, Mike" <Mike.DelTergo at Bangor.com> wrote:
> At the risk of opening old headaches, I am looking at possibly getting some windshields.  I was part of Mike Driggs group buy effort a few years ago and hadn't has a reason to revisit till recently.  Long story short, is anybody still interested and at what price?  I have a source in Europe with some ready to go but still trying to figure shipping.  I'll ping the lists but I think we can get a go/no go list pretty quickly.
> Thx
> Mike
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