[urq] Audi Tradition

Scott DeWitt scotty at advancedautomotion.com
Sat Jun 28 08:25:11 PDT 2014

Audi USA has an exclusive agreement with Audi AG in Germany which
prohibits dealers and Audi itself from sending parts directly to US
Basically one must go through an Audi USA dealer to get parts from Europe.
There are ways around it but it adds cost, risk and complexity to the

On Sat, June 28, 2014 7:34 am, Ben Howell wrote:
> Has anyone successfully ordered anything from Audi Tradition lately? I
> tired to order a few pieces last week and got this response:
> "Unfortunately we are not allowed to ship and sell to USA anymore and had
> to delete your order. Please contact your Audi dealer to order these
> parts, he can order them by contacting the importer."
> Seems like a another poke in the eye from Audi to owners of older cars in
> the USofA, but I'm curious if anyone has any experience with ordering from
> them or getting parts that are on the Tradition website from your local
> dealer.
> Ben
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Scott DeWitt
Advanced Automotion
Ph:  720.4.GEARS.1 (720.443.2771)
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