[urq] Diff Lock Question

John johnkarasaki at msn.com
Mon Jun 30 21:06:59 PDT 2014

You can change it so that the center or the center and rear can be activated.

There are many out there that lock the center diff for better track performance - dry or wet.

And with no bad effects even after dozens and dozens of track days.

On Jun 30, 2014 7:17 PM, Paul Ahvenainen <pahven at gmail.com> wrote:
I had 2Bennett do some work on my 83 urq last week. It's very nice to work with a team that understands these cars and actually keeps parts on hand.

Any way, when I picked up the car, they gave me some advice about the differential locking mechanism. Basically, they said don't use it for anything other than getting out of a ditch.  They said it should only be used at low speed, in a straight line, otherwise the handling will be dangerous and the repairs will be expensive. According to the owners manual the system is recommended for use for low traction conditions, like rain.

I'm curious about experiences that other early urq owners have had. My car has the single stage activation that locks both the center and rear diff at the same time.

Thanks. Paul

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