[urq] Rebuild engine seizes after 15sec's . ( non audi )

Patrick Carlier p.carlier at pandora.be
Fri Oct 31 01:13:58 PDT 2014

Yes , they match up allright .
I even cranked it manually with the rocker cover removed to check if  the 
oil comes
out of the lubrication ports .


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Peter" <audionly at gmail.com>
To: "Patrick Carlier" <p.carlier at pandora.be>
Sent: Friday, October 31, 2014 12:51 AM
Subject: Re: [urq] Rebuild engine seizes after 15sec's . ( non audi )

Are you sure the oil port or oil head bolt are the same and or match up? We 
had this issue with an Audi i5 where the configurations were identical 
except for head oil port which was being blocked by head gasket that didn't 
match. The symptom is it runs until the cams heat up from lack of oil and it 
sieges /Peter

> On Oct 30, 2014, at 4:46 PM, Patrick Carlier <p.carlier at pandora.be> wrote:
> So guy's , i'm a bit at wits end here .
> Car is a 1987 nissan coupe , 8 valve carb , 1600cc . ( E16s engine )
> Bought it as a fisrt car for my 17 year old son who's very enthousiastic 
> about it :) .
> It came with a known broken engine , head froze to pieces .
> Found me a 1500 Turbo ( E15ET)  engine with severe big end damage
> The blocks  are identical as are the heads , only the 1500 crank throw is 
> smaller , and the compression is lower .
> With a bit of this and a bit of that I put together a complete engine
> Had the 1500  honed , and the head shaved .
> Used the 1600 pistons and conrods with new pistons rings .
> The 1600 crankshaft was also used with its main bearings shells  in the 
> 1500 caps .
> Bit of a puzzle , i know :) .
> And i've put in new conrod beraings .
> Meaning all moving parts are either new or matched as they were .
> Assembled it all , put it in the car , and fired it up .
> It won't  really idle , most likely a carburettor problem , so I have to 
> rev it a bit , and use the accelerator pump
> to keep it going .I can keep it running at abt 1500 rpm
> It runs for about 15 seconds and then it stalls .
> Dead stop all of a sudden .
> Tried to start again , and the starter engages but fails to  crank the 
> engine .
> Using a wrench at the crankshaft pulley , with the plugs removed , and it 
> barely turns .
> Looking inside shows no sign of hydrolock
> Wait 10 minutes , and all's back to normal .
> Engine fires right up , and seizes again after thesame 15 to 20 sec's 
> time period .
> Plugs are oily when pulled , fresh oil , not burned or carbonized . .
> With a cold engine and the plugs removed I can turn the crank with my bare 
> hands by grabbing the crankshaft pulley .
> Also tried two grades of oil , 10w40 and 20w50 , no avail .
> Now I've done my share of engine rebuilds and I've never seen this before 
> .
> And quite frankly , I don't quite know where to go from here .
> Sure , I need to pull it apart , buit then what ?
> Any thouhts , comments btdt's .....
> Pat
> VERY unhappy for now .
> .
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