[urq] Bad AAN ECU repair?

Eric Fluhr ejfluhr at gmail.com
Thu Dec 3 20:58:58 PST 2015

Hi all,

Well, the AAN in my Urquattro is indeed running with the factory
top-of-bell-housing flywheel tooth sensor....along with a borrowed ECU,
borrowed injectors, and debug/replacement of a bad relay.

Much thanks to the couple of guys who told me that, YES, the AAN ECU would
run off of the Urq factory G28.  I wish I had stayed true to your advice.
Unfortunately I was getting bad G28 sensor codes from the ECU after
troubleshooting the ECU and injectors, then spent 2 days delicately cutting
a hole in the side of my transmission without damaging the flywheel or
dumping tons of metal shavings in the housing (poor shop vac!).  Only
thereafter did I discover the @#%! fuel pump relay.

Now to the point of my latest post:  my ECU is busted with the #5
injector.  It drives it wide open continuously and floods the cylinder.
Has anyone heard of this before?  Know of a person/place that can repair
the AAN ECU?   Does Steve Eiche still do ECU work and would anyone have his


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