[urq] temperature sender confusion

Patrick Carlier p.carlier at pandora.be
Wed May 6 22:39:12 PDT 2015

If you have a classic vdo 3 gauge setup , the temp
gauge is most likely an oil temp gauge ..

What's the range .


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "John Terreric" <terreric at hotmail.com>
To: <urq at audifans.com>
Sent: Wednesday, May 06, 2015 9:07 PM
Subject: [urq] temperature sender confusion

> Hello all,
> this is my first post here, even though I have been enjoying reading you 
> all for some time.
> I have a 84 UrQ which has been well restored (engine new, suspension news, 
> new paint) and an upgraded ECU (I suspect it was from a 4000 but I did not 
> get any details).
> Previous owners have also installed a classic 3 gauge VDO unit. 2 of the 3 
> gauges work (oil pressure and battery) but not the coolant temperature. 
> Again no assurance those senders are legit.
> My mechanic is confused as there are already 3 temperature senders on the 
> engine and one is connected to the gauge but it doesn't do anything to it. 
> It would simply not budge at any temperature. But if he puts the lead to 
> ground the gauge goes full scale - so there is a valid wiring and gauge 
> functionality it seems.
> So does it come from a wrong sender, i.e. with the wrong resistance? Or 
> the right sender but the wrong gauge?
> Thank you for your help in advance,
> Eric
> 84 UrQ
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