[urq] AAN not able to use URQ G28 sensor

Eric Fluhr ejfluhr at gmail.com
Fri Oct 23 09:39:11 PDT 2015

Well, I've got the AAN into my '82 Urq and I'm trying to use the Urq G28
sensor located at the top of the transmission bell housing rather than cut
a hole in the side of my 016 to incorporate the AAN G28.  Unfortunately so
far no dice.   I can start the engine with brake clean but when trying to
start normally, it won't trigger the fuel injectors and ECU logs a 2111 G28
error.   I've got a few more tests to do on the sensor (see if it Ohms OK
and if my Fluke can pick up a signal from the flywheel teeth) to validate
that it is working (my WX was running fine), and then I will probably admit
to defeat.  How disappointing.  :-(

'82 urq, rebuilt to be better...stronger...faster!!  seems like it cost
near $6M too!

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