[V6-12v] Stoplights cont'd

Nathan Widmyer touring_fan at msn.com
Thu Dec 18 19:53:11 EST 2003

The fuse was fine, given I was looking at the right one, number 6 in the 
box, 5A fuse.  I did some fiddling and all four lights (the two old lights 
and the two purchased lights) worked fine, so whatever is wrong is something 
in the wiring from the switch to the light itself.  I was under the 
impression that the lights I am talking about are turned on when the brake 
is pressed, I am correct, right?  I wish I had my technical manual CD here 
instead of back at school.  Anywho, hopes this triggers some help.  Thanks 
in advance, Nathan.

>From: James4ihl at aol.com
>To: touring_fan at msn.com, v6-12v at audifans.com
>Subject: Re: [V6-12v] Stoplights
>Date: Thu, 18 Dec 2003 17:00:52 EST
>  Uhhh... that is weird. Yeah, you got me. Definitely check the fuse first,
>like you say. Past that it'd be a case of checking for discontinuity in the
>wiring I guess - ouch!
>Make sure you definitely have the right type of bulb first by plugging the
>one you have in the corresponding light on the other (working) side to make 
>it's not just still the bulb before you go to all the trouble of trying to
>track down a wiring fault...
>Good luck and Merry Christmas!
>In a message dated 18/12/03 9:55:43 pm, touring_fan at msn.com writes:
> > I went to take the ol Audi in for inspection.  When I was driving home, 
> > dad told me one of my stoplights were out.  I went to get a replacement 
> > brought it home and it didn't fit.  The little knobs on the side were at
> > different heights whereas the original bulb, the knobs were the same.  I
> > went back, got another set.  I put those in and they didn't work.  I 
> > putting the old ones in, the working one and non-working and neither one
> > worked.  I am at a loss, the only thing I can think of is a fuse is bad
> > somehow.  The Audi is a 1994 90 CS Quattro Sport.  Anyone have any 
> > to help me?  The stoplights are in the trunk lid in the middle of each
> > taillight assembly.

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