[V6-12v] Fuel Gauge

Nathan Widmyer touring_fan at msn.com
Sun Apr 4 13:32:54 EDT 2004

It's been a while since I've asked a question on here, but I have a new one...

Last night, when I turned on the car, the fuel gauge didn't rise up from it's resting position of past empty.  Luckily I remembered that I had put plenty of gas in the car before and I knew I had gas.  I went to my destination with the gas gauge still at it's original position fine.  I started the car to return back and a few seconds passed and the gauge came back up and read normally like it always does.  Is there some cause for alarm or is this just a fluke?

Also, sometime in the future, I'd like to get my 90 repainted.  I talked to the local Audi dealership and of course they'd do excellent work but it would cost an excellently high amount of money ($3.5k-$4k).  Does anyone have good advice, with prices, of quality alternatives?  I want to simply get back to the original off-the-lot paint.  This won't be for a while cause I want to take care of the paint after it's redone.

Thanks, Nate.

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