[V6-12v] Fuel filter replacement (1994 90S FWD)

Tom Christiansen tomchr at ee.washington.edu
Mon Apr 26 13:48:30 EDT 2004


I know this is a trivial task, but sometimes people ask for help on those 

The fuel filter is located under the car just forward of the right rear 
wheel, above the pivot point for the rear axle assembly. It's connected to 
the fuel system through a fitting with a 19 mm hex on the bottom, and a 
short hose with a 14 mm (I think) flare in one end and a fitting with 17 mm 
hex in the other.

Here's the procedure I followed (you may follow it at your own risk&expense):

1) Relieve system pressure by taking the gas cap off. Once pressure (if 
any) is relieved, replace cap.
2) WEAR EYE PROTECTION!!!!! Place a bucket under the fuel filter and loosen 
the 19 mm hex on the bottom. Let the filter drain (there's about a cup or 
two of fuel in the filter). Once drained, remove the 19 mm hex "bolt" 
completely (be careful not to lose the washer between the fitting and the 
3) Disconnect the short hose at the 14 mm (I think) flare fitting.
4) The filter is held onto the car with a bracket secured by two 10 mm hex 
sheet metal screws. Unscrew those, take the filter out.
5) Move the short hose to the new filter. Note that the threads on the two 
ends of the filter have different diameter, so you cannot hook it up 
6) Assembly is reverse of removal...

Obviously with a drained filter, the car won't start right away. Crank 5 
seconds, 10 second pause, repeat until the car starts (shouldn't take more 
than 2-3 attempts).


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