[V6-12v] 93' audi 90 . Speedo/odo/trip

Tom Christiansen tomchr at ee.washington.edu
Mon Apr 26 21:08:33 EDT 2004


Could be the speed sensor on the tranny. It generates the signal for the 
speedo and I believe the odometer/trip meter is derived from the speed 
info. Also if the speedometer drops out - even briefly - the cruise control 
will go into coast (at least that was the case on the 4/5000 series, I 
assume it's the same here...)

I don't know why you had trouble with the trip meter. Maybe it's a bad 
solder joint (or connection) on the instrument cluster. I would check for 
bad solder joints before changing the speed sensor.


At 05:46 PM 4/26/2004, Ryan H wrote:
>1993 Audi 90 cs. 5 spd. 2.8 v6
>ok so ive notieced a few problems 1. being my trip meter would quit workin 
>on occasion. (Tempetarue related?) not sure.  but now its it 80+ degrees 
>in SF . and i just got off work.. headed home and look down and wha??? my 
>speedo is no longer working. trip no work. and odo no work.  have read 
>some threads on plactic gears that couple the real gears that relate all 
>that info to your console.  is this my problem? how much damage is this 
>gona do to my ever so small pocketbook?
>if its not to much maybe ill have em take a look at my Cruse Control while 
>there at it
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