[V6-12v] stopping problems

mike mikemk40 at yahoo.com
Sun Aug 1 19:05:39 EDT 2004

The v6 na cars have the bomb too...

on the testing bit, i thought the pedal went hard and
high when the bomb was depleted


--- Elliott Potter <mailinglist at eep.burdell.org>
> Huh?  I thought only turbo cars had the bomb?
> On Sun, 1 Aug 2004, The CyberPoet wrote:
> > Check the bomb. Your car uses a high pressure
> reservior for brake
> > assistance commonly nicknamed the bomb. To test
> the bomb, you drive the
> > car, shut it off, then start pumping the brakes
> while counting the
> > number of pumps. At some point, the peddle will
> fall and lose it's
> > pressure, because the pressure reservior (the
> bomb) has been depleted.
> > On a healthy bomb, that should occur around 40
> pumps (+/- 8). A failing
> > bomb will give up under 25 pumps or so.
> >

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