[V6-12v] stopping problems

mike mikemk40 at yahoo.com
Mon Aug 2 07:47:40 EDT 2004

for what it’s worth
I’ve just checked the actual
hardware on my car (UK V6 80q 1993) and there is
definitely no vacuum assist and it does have the bomb
and two stage ps pump. 

Also noticed there are various vacuum reservoirs
scattered around but the brakes are purely hydraulic


--- Tom Christiansen <tomchr at ee.washington.edu> wrote:

> At 02:55 PM 8/1/2004, Frank Chapchuk wrote:
> >I've recently noticed my '92 100 isn't stopping as
> good as it used to, 
> >espically in an emergency stop. The pads are within
> spec, but the rotors 
> >are original (190K). I'm leaning toward replacing
> the rotors and looking 
> >into the vacuum assist. Any thoughts ?
> I don't know if your car has the bomb or not, but
> that's fairly easy to 
> check. The bomb is usually visible in the left front
> fender when the door 
> is open (at least it was on the two 5k's I owned)
> the ones I've seen were 
> bright blue.
> The vacuum assist is a can about 12"-14" in
> diameter, maybe 3-4" thick. 
> It's connected directly to the rod from the brake
> pedal as it comes out of 
> the firewall. It's easy to test it: With the engine
> off, pump the brake 
> pedal until it becomes hard (should take a few pumps
> (maybe 5)). Hold the 
> brake pedal down while starting the engine. The
> pedal should sink as the 
> vacuum builds up.
> TOm 
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