[V6-12v] No Idle

Elliott Potter mailinglist at eep.burdell.org
Sun Aug 15 12:07:49 EDT 2004

On Sun, 15 Aug 2004, Nathan Widmyer wrote:

> I went to start up the ol Audi last night and instead of idling at
> it's usual place, it went down to about 200RPM's.  I gave it some gas
> to feather the engine and the tach went up then back down and the
> headlights dimmed.  I gave it a little more gas to feather then hover
> the RPM's at around 2000 and then released the clutch.  I let it move
> about a foot then pushed in the clutch and it idled properly from then
> on.

It may be as simple as a sticky idle stabilizer valve ... you might try
and see what happens.

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