[V6-12v] bulb warning light

Joe - Audi audi at olderie.com
Tue Aug 17 18:51:44 EDT 2004


Thanks again.  I had the cluster apart on Sunday and touched up all the 
solder joints noted in procedure #2.  I didn't have any as bad as your 
picture but, had at least one that looked "suspicious".  I've now gone 
two whole days (of 90+ heat) *without* the bulb failure alarm going 
off!  Crossing my fingers that it stays that way...


On Aug 14, 2004, at 6:57 AM, Lt.Kubosh wrote:

> I had similar problem with random Brake light failure message. It was 
> caused
> by bad connection on one of the instrument cluster connectors.
> It is on the Elliott's pages.
> http://www.12v.org/maintenance/repairs/acdisp.php
>  IT is the procedure #2. That black connector reads the data for 
> AutoCheck
> System, so one of the pins is most probably Light Failure data.
> Kubosh.

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