[V6-12v] Substitutes for VW tools (electrical)

James4ihl at aol.com James4ihl at aol.com
Sun Jan 4 07:51:05 EST 2004

Tom --

Thanks, that really is very useful. More often than not (especially with 
electrical problems) one is forced to weigh the cost of buying the tool with the 
cost of simply taking the car into an Audi workshop. Hopefully, this will make 
that less of a dilemma.

Happy New Year

In a message dated 4/1/04 1:55:50 am, tomchr at ee.washington.edu writes:

> Folks,
> More often than not do I find myself reading the Bentley manual only to
> find that I need VW tester so-and-so in order to perform a particular
> test.
> I found the following on the Bentley Publishing site:
> http://tech.bentleypublishers.com/thread.jspa?threadID=4799&tstart=0
> Among other things, the article contains instructions for building your
> own LED tester, the VW tool for testing instruments (VW 1301), less
> expensive DIY adaptors for VAG-COM, etc.
> Thought I'd share my findings...
> Tom

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