[V6-12v] MAF sensor - a different approach

James4ihl at aol.com James4ihl at aol.com
Mon Jun 7 10:35:09 EDT 2004

Hi All --

Yeah, those wires look really fine, but they're actually tougher than you 
think. I'm not saying you should clean them like you brush your teeth, or 
something, but you can definitely clean them carefully. Funnily though I did end up 
using a very fine, soft inter-dental brush - the type with a little coloured 
plastic grip and a fine single brush? Anyway, I used isopropyl alcohol on the 
brush (the type you use to clean tape heads with) because any excess that runs 
down anywhere will just evaporate off. Worked OK.

Glad it worked for you with just a spray though, Clive - maybe that's the 
thing, try a spray first and if it works, don't risk brushing it!!


In a message dated 07/06/2004 15:02:21 GMT Daylight Time, 
cyoung1661 at rogers.com writes:

> Hi Guys 
> i was thinking about Toms entry some time ago about the Mass Air Flow sensor 
> and since I was working on the car anyway I thought I would check it out .. 
> okay i had the hood up . 
>     Those wires are REALLY fine and had visions of busting them offtrying to 
> clean them,after all "no good deed goes unpunished".
>     So I grabbed my trusty brake cleaner and sprayed for about .1 of a 
> second. The two wires were sparkling so brightly I couldn't believe it. 
>     Left them about a minute for the stuff to evaporate and put it back in . 
> ! Worked great for me Not sure if brake cleaner will harm the sensor but I 
> doubut it as it is basically alcohol, plus to contact with tools or anyhting 
> else makes it low risk .

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