[V6-12v] The barn door steering sound cure

Elliott Potter mailinglist at eep.burdell.org
Wed Jun 23 09:36:55 EDT 2004

On Tue, 22 Jun 2004, Tom Christiansen wrote:

> Folks,
> My 1994 90S was making the Barn Door Sound when turning. Several list
> members have described this and suggested spraying oil in "the general
> steering column area". The only part of the steering system I could
> reasonably easy access from the top (and with a hot engine) was some
> hydraulic ram thingy located below the throttle body almost up against the
> firewall. I sprayed WD40 on it and now by barn door steering is cured.

What you were spraying is the steering damper, and if you can squeeze
your arm in there with something a bit heavier (oil), it will last

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