[V6-12v] all quiet on the AUDI Front

George Tur getur at optonline.net
Mon Mar 22 15:53:44 EST 2004

On Monday 22 March 2004 10:10, Clive Young wrote:
> George
> It is amazing how much you learn from "rants"
> ..keep it up ..
> Clive

I'd like to thank the list for the supportive email I've received on the 
billing issue, and give an update.

When I stopped off to pay the bill today, I complained about that particular 
charge and after going back and forth the shop took off the labor charge for 
tearing down the tranny support and then putting everything back together. It 
was more than I expected, I thought they would at most remove the charge for 
putting it back together. I came away feeling much better about the whole 
situation. I think an item in my favor is that I've been doing business with 
this shop for over 15 years and my aggregate bills with them must total in 
the tens of thousands of dollars.

I took a look at the reverse switch mounting again and I can't believe how 
inconvenient that mounting point is. The switch is located in a little recess 
on the driver's side of the transmission with almost no room overhead to get 
tools or your hands into. What a pain! 

The car is scheduled to go in next week to get the item done. This time we're 
setting aside two days for shop time.

Happy Audi to everyone


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