[V6-12v] OBD1

James4ihl at aol.com James4ihl at aol.com
Fri Mar 26 05:46:44 EST 2004

Clive --

You're right of course, and it does present a problem. I've spoken to the UK 
representitive for VAG-COM and the problem with the older cars (OBD-I) and 
real-time graphing is the relative slowness of data transfer. Where this is a 
problem that often occurs only for a fraction of a second (feels a lot longer 
when you're overtaking!) you may be lucky to catch it on the older models. You'd 
probably have to drive it around a lot before you managed to catch one 
occurrence of the problem because he reckons the fastest they've ever got a response 
from a real-time graph analysis on an OBD-I is one measurement every second or 
so... When I manage to hook it up, I'll let you know how it goes!


In a message dated 25/3/04 1:39:55 am, cyoung1661 at rogers.com writes:

> We were discussing earlier about James's problem with his car. Of course 
> our Audis have OBD1 not OBD2. Sorry about the missprint. But I still think 
> James needs to hook up a real time analyzer to tell him what is wrong.
> Clive

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