[V6-12v] all quiet on the AUDI Front
Clive Young
cyoung1661 at rogers.com
Sat Mar 27 00:08:19 EST 2004
In the past I have checked the sensor the following way although I am not sure of AUDI config
1 pin is ground
1 pin is =5 volts
1 pin = signal out
you should be able to put a voltmeter on signal out and ground and watch the voltage change as you change the throttle position. you should have a steady increase in voltage up to about 5 volts , which is "flood" condition to the ecu with no drop outs of voltage. If you slowly open it and find the voltage drops off at somepoint you have found your problem. I think Tom may have a bently with the info you need.
----- Original Message -----
From: James4ihl at aol.com
To: cyoung1661 at rogers.com
Sent: Friday, March 26, 2004 5:42 AM
Subject: Re: [V6-12v] all quiet on the AUDI Front
Hi Clive --
Thanks for the response. Yeah, if you have a way of checking/cleaning that'd be great as it's quite an expensive part. The throttle valve pot is the throttle position sensor on my car, it just tells the ECU the angle of the throttle valve...
In a message dated 25/3/04 12:47:57 am, cyoung1661 at rogers.com writes:
The only other ossibility I can think of is the throttle position sensor. I have had this prob on other cars and it is checkable. I will get back to you though ( I'm not even sure the audi has one )
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