[V6-12v] Steering noise

Elliott Potter mailinglist at eep.burdell.org
Thu May 20 19:33:52 EDT 2004

On Tue, 18 May 2004, Tom Christiansen wrote:

> Martin (et al),
> > [...]
> >New CV Joint is about $150 non original. Repair is easy to medium with
> >proper tools. Just one pain is to get down the old CV Joint (it is locked
> >on the axle by "C" spring. So one soft hammer punch over wood will "click"
> >it down.
> >It took me about 2 hours.

I just wanted to make a couple of comments on the joints:

1) My local parts store wanted a bit over $200 each for outer CV joints.
Amazingly, I found a local outfit (CV Source; www.cvsource.com) that had
rebuilt axles (inner and outer joints) for like $60 each.  I opted for
this because rebuilding the joints is just one of those really messy
jobs, what with the grease and all.  Plus, assembling the joints is kind
of a PITA.
2) If you decide to rebuild the joint, when you try to get the joint on
to the axle past the (new) circlip, USE A RUBBER MALLET if you're going
to pound on it.  Don't use a regular steel hammer or you'll warp the
axle stub and won't be able to get the big axle bolt in to it.


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