[V6-12v] Any thoughts on this...

The CyberPoet thecyberpoet at cyberpoet.net
Sun Oct 31 06:33:54 EST 2004


=-= Marc Glasgow

On Sunday, October 31, 2004, at 06:11  AM, James Whitehouse wrote:

> Hi All --
> Just wondered if anyone has any thoughts on this situation.
> My cousin is selling his V6 2.6 Coupe (1996). I’ve driven it. Seems to 
> drive
> well and be pretty well maintained all round (full Audi SH and all 
> that).
> It’s done 180,000 miles.
> Here’s the rub, mine’s a V6 2.8 Saloon (1992). Mine drives nicely too. 
> The
> engine bay is cleaner (less corrosion on some of the components despite
> being older). Mine has FASH until 2 years before I bought it (and it’s 
> been
> well looked after since then). It’s done 120,000 miles.
> So mine’s done less miles, but it four years older. How does that work 
> out
> in terms of car wear and so on?! Does the age add as much as the 
> miles, or
> what? I’m wondering why I’m even tempted... Well I know a few reasons. 
> I
> like the Coupe shape better, and it seems to handle a little firmer 
> (stiffer
> rear end and slightly shorter wheel base). The interior is nicer, newer
> style trim, sports seats (leather), driver’s airbag, etc. It has one
> catalytic converter, not two like mine, which makes that a lot less of 
> a
> worry in terms of finance to replace when it/they go. His has the later
> engine management, which in theory should be more efficient. Although 
> mine
> should be more powerful, in driving, the difference seems minimal (I 
> can
> tell a difference, but it’s not chalk and cheese, you know?).
> Thing is, I’m not flush with cash right now, and I’d probably have to 
> add a
> bit to the price mine would fetch – I’d always said if I traded in 
> it’d be
> for a Quattro... But...
> Am I nuts here, or what?
> Any thoughts appreciated,
> James
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