[V6-12v] Potential fan and power fluid issues..
Clive Young
cyoung1661 at rogers.com
Wed Apr 20 14:52:30 EDT 2005
I had the moaning sound also, but mine only happened when turning at slow
speed. Turned out to be bad tie rod ends. But I would go with the low fluid
idea first , easist to check.
The second problem definitely sounds like the bearing in the fan motor. Not
much you can do about that except change it. Never had to do it myself, fan
hardly ever comes on living in Canada :-)
----- Original Message -----
From: "Heather Mehlschau" <h_mehlschau at yahoo.com>
To: <v6-12v at audifans.com>
Cc: "Robby michael Weinberg" <centaurus3200 at yahoo.com>
Sent: Wednesday, April 20, 2005 1:21 PM
Subject: [V6-12v] Potential fan and power fluid issues..
> Hello,
> My '97 A4Q, V6 has 141K and just developed 2 interesting issues. Maybe
there is a previous post on these or if someone had the same problem please
> 1.) When I first start the car in morning/ after being parked outside on
inclined driveway, it has a "moaning" sound when driving initially under 15
mph. Is this bad fluids? Havn't had the system flushed yet, but will soon.
( I live in Oakland, CA - so not really cold weather).
> 2.) If the car gets hot and the fan kicks in - when temp. gauge is
slightly right of center line, I get a high whine from the engine fan area;
sounds like a "dentists tooth drill". Is this a bad fan or other component?
The noise stops when the motor turns off.
> Thanks,
> - Heather
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