[V6-12v] V6 timing belt

Clive Young cyoung1661 at rogers.com
Mon Aug 8 08:25:28 EDT 2005

Hi Tom

 I have an update on my AC and some data you may be interested in . I took 
it to my brother and he evacuated it and it held vacuum for about 15 minues 
after he pumped it down. I asked what the effects of a vacuum leak and he 
said if it leaks under hi vacuum there is not much chance it can hold 
refridgerant under 250psi ! He told me it does not indicate no leaks just 
because it does not leak under vacuum , but it does tell him I have no MAJOR 
leaks like I left an o-ring off or something. He then put in 1.5 pounds of 
refridgerant. I did a few extra turns of the pump by hand for good measure 
and we cranked it up. That was Thursday , yesterday it was still cold.

On my external temp gage it read 29.0 , we had a little humidity but not too 
much at idle on the centre vents ( actually the left most vent of the centre 
vents as it blows harder for some reason ) I had 45 F at idle with my 
thermal probe and 39F while driving .  I'll let you know if it holds the 

I incidentally asked him about my no heat at idle and after I explained 
things he was about as stumped as I was. He did suggest pulling the intake 
manifold and checking the coolant pipes as I did not have much left. He 
figures the intake manifold is a cople of hours work max ( that's a mechanic 
talking, make that a full day for me ) . I figure it is a good oportunity to 
change the valley pan gasket , but of course I am worried about what else i 
will break while I am in there. it looks like a real nightmare around the 
EGR valve area.

Have a great week .

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Tom Christiansen" <tomchr at ee.washington.edu>
To: "Clive Young" <cyoung1661 at rogers.com>
Sent: Friday, August 05, 2005 2:37 AM
Subject: RE: [V6-12v] Re: V6 timing belt

> At 05:56 AM 8/4/2005, you wrote:
>>I've been over it and over it and the schematics match my car exactly. It
>>actually does it at all temperatures but it is only at cold you really
>>notice it . For example it is 85 F out today . If I put the blower on full
>>blast heat at idle it will feel about 85 F. If I rev the car at about 2000
>>rpm I can't even hold my hand there it is so scorching. But let the car 
>>back down sure enough back to about 85 F.
> That's odd. I tried on my car this morning. The temp was around 80 (high 
> 20'ies C). At idle I could hold my hands by the vents but after a while it 
> would burn a bit. Not enough to make me move the hands, though. I guess 
> it's probably around 50 deg C. If I reved the engine up to 2000 RPM, the 
> temp would rise a bit making it uncomfortable to hold the hand by the 
> vent. I'd guess the temp to be at least 60 deg C. When I let the engine 
> idle, the temp dropped a few degrees or so. But by then the engine coolant 
> temp had also risen a few degrees. Within a minute or so my car had turned 
> into Tom's Mobile Sauna.
>>The problem is obviously the stop
>>and go traffic on the 401 highway at about -20C in winter ( I am not sure
>>what farenheit that is . )
> I grew up in Denmark, so I know what -20C feels like. It's pretty damn 
> cold.
>>Knowing stupid things like loosening  the PS pump pulley bolts while the 
>>belt is still on to hold the pulley for you I find are real time savers.
> Why do you need to mess with the PS pulley?
> Tom 

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