[V6-12v] Car not starting

James Whitehouse jamescarstuff at aol.com
Tue Feb 1 08:56:09 EST 2005

Yes, the crankshaft position sensor and the hall sensor are one and the same
(it's using a 'hall' type sensor as a crank position sensor). However, it
should throw a fault code for that, so check the fuel pump/relay first, then
consider that after, since you say it's code free at the moment.


On 1/2/05 1:44 pm, "Joe - Audi" <audi at olderie.com> wrote:

> I agree with James on checking the fuel pump.  I had a similar situation
> with my '94 100, where it died suddenly in the middle of rush hour traffic
> on a busy highway.  But, in my case at least, after sitting for a few
> minutes the car would fire up for a few seconds and then die.  Must have
> still been getting some fuel flow.
> Another thing to check would be the crankshaft position sensor (is that
> the same as the Hall sensor?).  A few years back my car would sometimes
> not start (after sitting), and would just turn over and over and not fire.
> Most times it would eventually fire after a few tries at cranking.  Every
> time this happened I was at work and it was before I had my Prodiag, so I
> never knew if it threw a code and I didn't have the tool to properly
> troubleshoot.  It took the shop I went to a couple tries to find the
> problem, so it may not have thrown any codes. (or else they didn't bother
> to check, which is more likely the case...)
> Good luck
> -Joe

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