[V6-12v] Re: how do you test for spark?

Clive Young cyoung1661 at rogers.com
Sat Feb 5 09:20:48 EST 2005

Interesting problem

Your code tells you you that you have an output stage failure yet you have
spark, and you have replaced the solid state block on the firewall for the
output stages, additionally there is no " feedback mechanism" once the
signal goes out to the three coils ! hmmm , or is there...

 I am no mechanic but here is what i would do .

1.    disconnect the input to the solid state out put stage and measure each
signal coming from the ecu with a scope.... okay a meter if you have one, it
would be a fast signal but you MAY see a flicker on your meter, if all three
are the same fair enough, if one is different it might tell you something.
2.    check all 6 cylinders for spark as there are three signals for the
output stage and 3 ignition coils one for cyl 1and 6  ( 2 and 4 ) ( 3 and
5 ) .make sure you have them all .
3.    check the ground connection for the power output stage as it is
suppose to ground to the intake manifold according to the manual ( brown red
wire ) .

If all checks out okay I doubt spark is your problem.

The next area to check would be fuel pressure testing off the rail , I will
leave this to someone else as this can be dangerous to check , I think it
can be done simply with a  guage but it is out of my area.

Good luck

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Kent McLean" <kentmclean at mindspring.com>
To: "V6-12V list" <v6-12v at audifans.com>
Cc: "quattro-list" <quattro at audifans.com>
Sent: Friday, February 04, 2005 6:31 PM
Subject: [V6-12v] Re: how do you test for spark?

> Robert Myers wrote:
> > You don't need no steenkin' tester.  That's what fingers are for.  ;-)
> I am shocked. :)
> I found my spark tester.  I had to wait for the SO to get home,
> so she could turn the key while I checked for spark.
> I pulled a lead, and plugged the tester... No, I couldn't.
> The V6 has deep, metal shrouds the prevented my tester from
> fitting into the terminal. Doh!  But, I had some spare wires
> in the trunk, so I took one, pried back the shroud, and I was
> good to go.
> I pulled the wire for plug 6 at the coil, plugged in my
> spare wire, clipped the tester to ground, gave the OK to
> crank the engine and -- what the heck?  I have spark.  Oh,
> now what?
> Since I knew I was getting gas, I was not expecting a spark.
> When I saw the spark, my heart sank.  But wait, the V6 has
> multiple coil packs. So I moved the tester to the next coil,
> plugged it into output 4 and, Yes! No spark (is that a good
> thing?).  I worked my way around the remaining coil outputs,
> completing the test. Coil pack 2 seems to be bad.
> DTC 4332 says, "Ignition Output 1, 2, or 3".  I guess it
> was right.
> I have a spare coil pack, but the leads have been cut because
> its wires were pinched under the intake manifold. Tomorrow
> I'll splice a spare coil into the existing coil pack.  I'll
> let you know how it goes.
> -- 
> Kent McLean
> '94 100 S Avant
> '89 200 TQ, "Bad Puppy" is no more
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