[V6-12v] V6 serpentine belt

Austin Franklin austin at darkroom.com
Wed Feb 16 11:46:32 EST 2005

> I'm trying to change the shredding serpenting (accessory)
> belt on my V6 '94 100 S Avant.
> I've got the cap off the idler pulley.  I tried a 6mm hex
> Allen wrench, which didn't work and may have munged the
> socket. I then thought it may be a Torx head, so I tried
> a 40T head on a ratchet, which fit not-too-snugly, and
> turned it clockwise, but it just rounded the points on
> the 40T (made by Lisle in USA).
> a) What size is the tool is supposed to fit the hole?
> b) Is it clockwise to loosen tension on the tensioner
>     to remove the belt?
> c) worst case, how do you remove the tensioner itself,
>     in case it needs to be replaced.

Hi Kent,

Not sure if your tensioner is the same as my 96 A4 2.8 V6, but you don't
have to remove the tensioner...there is a bolt sized head that you put a
wrench on and turn it to pivot the tensioner to loosen the belt, and the
belt comes right off.

There is a hole on the tensioner that lines up when you get it far enough
loosened that you can put a drift in that keeps it in the loosened position.
That makes it easy to take the old belt off and just slip a new one on.



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