[V6-12v] '96 A6 Automatic Transmission Shifting Problem - ABS Safe Mode

Ivan Tuma ituma at ix.netcom.com
Tue Jan 11 15:33:16 EST 2005

I did rotate the right front speed sensor so that the cable coming out 
of it was vertical (as it's suppose to be according to all the other 
wheels). I also replace the sensor with a used unit (both units had the 
same impedence if that makes a difference). It did have error codes in 
the ABS system which I cleared and haven't come back since (last time I 
checked). Your right - it may still be a bad sensor. A used sensor is no 
guarantee since who know who and how they removed it.

Would a bad sensor cause the ABS to kick in by itself though? ... the 
thing literally wont let me drive it over 5mph when the ABS system fuse 
is in.

Thanks for suggestion.


The CyberPoet wrote:

> This may sound silly, but have you checked the wires going to the 
> wheel speed sensor? Perhaps during work on the tranny pan you 
> accidentally nicked the wires, causing them to short or lose 
> connectivity?
> Just a suggestion.
> Cheers
> =-= Marc Glasgow
> On Tuesday, January 11, 2005, at 01:09  PM, Ivan Tuma wrote:
>> Howdy from Denver,
>> Just wondering if any ZF auto transmission experts out there have a 
>> clue about the following problem ...
>> I recently bought a rolled '96 A6 Quattro Wagon with the 12V-V6 and 
>> Auto Trans. I seemed to run fine, until my friend and I decieded to 
>> pull the dented trans oil pan. We replace the filter and gasket (the 
>> dent was on the syphon tube side of the pan). I put it back together 
>> - professionally refilled the fluid and went to drive it. The ABS 
>> system started automatically slowing the car down to 5mph. When I 
>> unplugged the ABS fuse ... the ABS system doesn't come on, but the 
>> car would shift hard from 1st to 2nd and stay in 2nd (more on this 
>> later*). Subsequent shifts are super hard from first to second. It 
>> even shifts very hard from P or N going into D or R at a standstill.
>> *The Transmission module keeps throwing a "wheel speed sensor error". 
>> If I clear the wheel speed sensor error code using VAG-COM, it drives 
>> smooth until I hit a certain speed in 2nd gear - in which case the 
>> hard shifting starts all over again, until I clear the wheel speed 
>> sensor error code from the trans module.
>> Recently I had to drive it in 2nd from the shop back home (about 5 
>> miles) ... after this, the transmission started making noise when 
>> cold. The noise in the transmission cooler lines (coming from the 
>> pump) - it's a kind of a continuous mnam- mnam- mnam- mnam- mnam 
>> sound. After it warms up, the noise goes away.
>> Ultimately my question is - does this sound like the byproduct of a 
>> bent / warped valve body with a leaky seal between it's two layers - 
>> esp around 3rd gear soleniod? Would the valve body problem cause the 
>> ABS to automatically pulse the brakes to slow the car down to 5mph 
>> (safe mode perhaps?)
>> I found a place in NJ (Ericson Transmission 1-800-388-4418) that 
>> sells rebuilt ZF valve bodies for $450 if you send them your core. 
>> The problem is, that I don't want to "invest" $450 more into this car 
>> if the whole tranny is bad.
>> Thanks for any input on this one ... it's really kicking my bu|t.
>> Ivan
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