[V6-12v] 95 A6 Update.

RGuzz rguzz at mindspring.com
Sun Jul 24 17:42:51 EDT 2005

95 A6 5 speed 135k miles...did the intake manifold clean up by taking 
the manifold out, splitting it cleaning EGR...job went perfectly. Car 
runs flawlessly, no hesitation or surging. Spent around 75 bucks on new 
gaskets, 100 bucks on having the injectors cleaned, 25 bucks for a dip 
job, 75 bucks on temp sensors and a few bucks on 3mm vacuum hose. 
Interestingly,  despite soaking in whatever it was dipped in the 
manifold port to the EGR was still almost entirely plugged and needed to 
be manually disimpacted. Taking the EGR out was the hardest part. My 
friend has the same car so I used his as a template when I forgot the 
routing of the vacuum hoses, etc, which helped a lot.
Cleaning the EGR and port with the manifold attached might have given me 
the same excellent results, and been a lot cheaper. Having the injectors 
cleaned was the most expensive part of the operation. But of course I 
have peace of mind, for now...
Will the codes need clearing?
Next is strut inserts up front and timing belt...not to mention bad 
center support driveshaft bearing.
Thanks a lot for your advice. I am cheered by the relative ease required 
to work on the V6, unlike my 91 200 TQ which costs me thousands of 
dollars a year to drive and is in general a real PIA.

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