[V6-12v] Driveshaft Removal

RGuzz rguzz at mindspring.com
Fri Jul 29 13:21:23 EDT 2005

95 A6  5 speed 135k miles just completed intake manifold, EGR 
cleaning...I have a bad  drive shaft center bearing and need to remove 
the drive shaft so I may send it to Blau. They have a Porsche 
replacement bearing with the necessary proper center support bracket 
that can't be found most places. So, without a Bentley to guide me is 
removing the drive shaft a DIY or is it a PIA dropping the exhaust, 
accessing the drive bolts, etc. Any helpful tools needed? My mechanical 
skills are average. I am told by Bentley the disc for my car is being 
updated and the new and improved version will be available October. So I 
am holding out till then.
Let me know what you think.
Thanks as always,

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