[V6-12v] Low Gas Mileage

Nathan Widmyer lighthousej at gmail.com
Wed Jun 1 02:35:39 EDT 2005

To *mwvogt at mindspring.com: *the car has a 5-speed

To Kent McLean: yeah, I keep getting the 2411, the EGR system code over and 
over. Now, I remember there's a way to reset the codes it gives. Should I 
reset them and perhaps get fresh codes?

To Clive Young: Well, I took numbers from the
audiworld.com<http://audiworld.com>page for my mileage. I took the
mileage and gas tank capacity, 24 mpg for
highway and 16.9 gallon tank capacity. I multiplied the two to get 405.6, 
meaning I should expect to drive about 400 miles in a highway situation 
before refueling. I filled the tank up, took off and 100 miles later 
(practically all highway travel btw), I had half of a tank left when I 
should have 3/4 tank left.

To everyone: Thanks for your replies. It looks like everyone agrees to start 
with the O2 sensors so that's where I'll start too, maybe I can save some 
bucks. It does seem to enjoy the gasoline, making a 15 minute round-trip 
yields visible results in the gas gauge, enough to make emotions such as 
disappointment and rage surface. Anywho, I'll reread this thread and make a 
plan of attack, thanks again, Nathan.

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