[V6-12v] How to get the rear brake discs off

The CyberPoet thecyberpoet at cyberpoet.net
Sat Jun 11 23:24:24 EDT 2005

The real deal is to remember to put anti-seize on the inner hub  
surface of the replacments once you get these off... so as to never  
have the issue again. I've gone through it once on my own cars and  
never again...

I tend to use a propane or mapp gas torch (the type used for under- 
sink repairs) and a cup or two of penetrating oil -- heat, douse  
while hot (caution: some of the oil will vaporize into a big smoke  
cloud, so don't try it within the garage) and then either (A) wait  
for the oil to do it's job, or (B) smack with an appropriate weighted  
object, preferably as close to center as feasible (sometimes with a  
crowbar as the inbetween to direct the blows to specific spots). When  
all this fails, remount the tire and take it to the mechanic...

=-= Marc

On Jun 11, 2005, at 11:03 PM, Chris Thorp wrote:

> Tom Christiansen wrote:
>> What's the deal?? How do I get those darn discs off?
> On occasion, I've had to really bang on them with a 5# hammer to  
> get them free.  Heat will also usually help.  This does risk damage  
> to the disc, but since you're removing them to replace them, it  
> doesn't really matter.  YMMV
> -Chris
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