[V6-12v] Strut Replacement

RGuzz rguzz at mindspring.com
Wed Jun 15 09:46:01 EDT 2005

  I just purchased a 95 A6 5 speed,135k miles, which has a few of the 
problems well known to you all. The biggest hidden problem appears to be 
excess oil consumption (quart every 3-4 hundred interstate miles, 
compression cold was good, no external oil leaks or coolant loss) which 
I will watch closely over the next 1k miles or so... before I conclude 
this is the reason the car was dirt cheap.
But I thought I would start by replacing the original Boge strut 
inserts. Is there a step by step you can refer me to for this repair? I 
have no Bentley.
Meanwhile I'll clean the MAF sensor, replace air, fuel filter, lament 
the excess oil use, etc.
Thanks a lot. I'll look forward to interacting with this list.

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