[V6-12v] A/C oil viscosity

Poncho ponchojuan66 at yahoo.com
Fri Jun 17 07:00:30 EDT 2005

Well, one thing to keep in mind is that PAG-100 is
actually a manufacturer's compromise.  No doubt that
is what would go into that unit if you brought it to
an A/C shop.  The 46 or 100 should work fine.  Just
don't use the higher viscosity.  In any case, sounds
like you've done your homework, and will save a

Thank goodness my A/C works.  Its been over 90 and
humid for two weeks up here in Boston.  But
wait.....now its 45 degrees this week and I have the
heat on in the car.  New England!

Tom, keep cool.

Curious, are you doing the fill on the high side?


--- Tom Christiansen <tomchr at ee.washington.edu> wrote:

> At 07:10 PM 6/16/2005, Clive Young wrote:
> >When all else fails...google it ....looks like PAG
> 46 according to this
> >article..
> >
> Yeah, I found that too... Here's the deal:
> I have a Zexel compressor which I bought used from a
> list member. Makes it 
> really easy to read the model number and such. The
> model is DCW 17B. On the 
> compressor, the proper Zexel fluid is listed as
> ZXL100 (which according to 
> above document, ironically, is ISO viscosity 46).
> The Bentley manual lists 
> the fluid as Audi p/n G 052 154 A2, which according
> to above document is 
> ISO 100 viscosity. By searching specifically for
> fluid information for 
> Zexel compressors I found another document stating
> that it should use 
> PAG-46. So that's what I'll get.
> There's no debate about the amount of fluid. 250 ml
> +/-20 ml. So an 8-oz 
> bottle (237 ml if memory serves) should work.
> One site suggested adding half the amount to the
> compressor, the other half 
> to the receiver drier. It should help distribute the
> oil evenly throughout 
> the system. It's important to rotate the compressor
> shaft by hand 10 times 
> before starting the car to avoid an oil surge
> through the compressor.
> I think I'm all set for the compressor job. I have
> the receiver/drier on 
> the way by UPS ground from The Parts Connection. I
> have 21 o-rings (bought 
> a complete set from the dealer). I have the
> restrictor valve gizmo. And I 
> have a compressor that needs a new clutch (which I
> intend to transplant 
> from the old compressor). I've already machined the
> two "special" tools 
> needed for the clutch transplant. Now I just need
> time and a level garage 
> floor...
> Tom 
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