[V6-12v] parting out 93 90 Audi

Clive Young cyoung1661 at rogers.com
Tue Jun 21 16:27:30 EDT 2005

That's what I thought too. Seams a shame to write off the car. But that
being said . An Audi dealer or any mechanic could run up a pretty good bill
( more than the car is worth ) getting into head work . her best bet is to
have her nice brother do it for her :-)

-----Original Message-----
From: Poncho [mailto:ponchojuan66 at yahoo.com] 
Sent: Tuesday, June 21, 2005 12:11 PM
To: Clive Young; 'Don Cumston'; crk022 at earthlink.net
Cc: V6-12V at audifans.com
Subject: RE: [V6-12v] parting out 93 90 Audi

Nah, just responsible capitalistic recycling :-)

BY the way, those heads rarely crack, except the 93
had a really bad headgasket problem.  I understand
they went through three or four re-designs until they
got one that truly worked.

I hope someone has pulled the head to verify the
problem.  If that's the only issue, and it needs a
timing belt servicing, anf likely a valley pan gasket,
you can kill a lot of birds with one major service.

You can likely find a new head pretty cheap right now
for an AAH engine.


--- Clive Young <cyoung1661 at rogers.com> wrote:

> Look out Russ..... The vultures are circling the
> dead Audi .. :-)
> -----Original Message-----
> From: v6-12v-bounces at audifans.com
> [mailto:v6-12v-bounces at audifans.com] On
> Behalf Of Don Cumston
> Sent: Tuesday, June 21, 2005 9:01 AM
> To: crk022 at earthlink.net
> Cc: V6-12V at audifans.com
> Subject: [V6-12v] parting out 93 90 Audi
> Hi Russ,  I have a 95 90 q and I am looking for the
> A/C and  low speed
> radiator fan control wiring harness. If your
> sister's Audi has A/C I may be
> interested in that wiring harness. It has to be
> pulled from the outside
> engine comp. to the interior. The OEM version of
> this part number (8A1 971
> 725 BF) has changed to two wiring harness' and
> doubled the expense.
> Don Cumston 
> dcumston at accnorwalk.com
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