[V6-12v] Re: High Pressure Power Steering Hose

Mike Veglia msvphoto at pacbell.net
Fri Mar 4 19:25:08 EST 2005

<< Someone posted a couple years ago about starting
the banjo bolt back 
the rack by wrapping a string around the threads near
the inner washer 
in a
manner so that when you pull on the string, it turns
the bolt 
back into the rack.  Then all you need is to get the
bolt into place, 
put a
little pressure on the head and pull the string.

Wouldn't the A6 version use O-rings like the V8 and
'91 200s? 

Thank you all for your help on this. As I understand
it, according to "the family album" and Rod @ TPC the
banjo uses seal washers, not o-rings. I like the
string idea! I used tape when I did this job on my
type 44 cars (done it twice there). Rubber bands and
string both have been suggested, and both sound like a
better way to go than tape.

The big problem on the V6 appears to be the brake
booster in the way (along with a lot of other stuff).
Unlike a type 44, I can't even see the banjo bolt at
all! Scary.

I'll dive in and give it a shot...

Thanks again!

Mike Veglia
Motor Sport Visions Photography

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