[V6-12v] best prices on Catalytic convertor

George Tur getur at optonline.net
Tue Nov 29 21:29:35 EST 2005

On Tuesday 29 November 2005 04:45 pm, Frank Chapchuk wrote:
> My '92 100 failed emissions and I think I am in need of some new catalyic
> convertors (one clue being I can hear a rattling inside of the convertor).
> Anyone have a good source for these ??
My son got a replacement catalytic converter from Summit Racing for his 87 
5ktq. I believe it cost around $130. They have a universal series of 
converters from which you try to match the dimensions of the existing 
converter. A  local shop mounted it for him. They did a pretty good job.

George Tur
91 V8

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