[V6-12v] Head Gasket Imminent

David Torrey davidtorrey2004 at yahoo.com
Tue Aug 1 11:05:16 EDT 2006

I am just finishing up replacement of the valley pan gasket on my '93 100CSQ wagon.  Time consuming but really not too, difficult.  I have found that the passageway where the EGR valve attaches to the manifold was plugged.  The EGR sensor is located on the opposite end.  I am hoping this is responsible for a troublesome "check engine light" which comes on at a constant speed of around 45-50 mph.  Will not come on when travelling 70 mph.  Pulling the codes have been mis-leading.   I also replaced the throttle body gasket, oil valves under the valley pan and vacuum tubing.  The dealer charges $28.00/meter for braided cloth covered tubing. That's obscene!!
   Now to see if it will start.
  Best regards,
  Dave Torrey

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