[V6-12v] Interior/ Dash Removal

Tom Christiansen tomchr at gmail.com
Tue Dec 19 11:43:10 EST 2006


It does come together without too much grief. The sticking point is to
get the bottom of the ducts of the dash to mate up with the top outlet
on the heater box. It's near impossible to see in there, but you can
feel around with your hands. Don't be too surprised if you end up
spending the better part of an hour getting that dash to sit right.
But after that, everything else is easy. I'd strongly suggest taking
things out in groups (rear console, center console, etc.) and put the
fasteners in ziplock bags. Mark the bags... It makes life easier
during assembly.

Align the dash so you have about 5 mm from it to the windshield and so
the top of the sides of the dash aligns with the top of the door trim.
Usually, you can't do much about the spacing to the windshield, but
you do have some wiggleroom on the sides.


On 12/19/06, James Whitehouse <james_whitehouse1 at yahoo.co.uk> wrote:
> Thanks Tom,
> Very useful advice and suggestions. I'm definitely not looking forward to
> it, but with a few little hints like this it should make it at least easier.
> Does it all go back together neatly as long as one is careful??
> Cheers,
> James

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