[V6-12v] odd engine light problem?

Mike LaRosa mrmotoguzzi00 at yahoo.com
Tue Jun 20 20:32:34 EDT 2006

where do you get your gas ?  what octane ?


--- Rob <beattyr2003 at cox.net> wrote:

> Ok troubleshooting my intermittent check engine
> light in my 95 A6Q sedan.
> Basically I start the car and it drives fine and at
> some point during the
> drive the check engine light comes on.  I never see
> a change in performance
> and the car runs great.  Fuel mileage is about 23-24
> mpg hwy.  I pulled the
> codes using SMJ's site, and here are most of them, I
> think I got them all,
> I'll double check tomorrow when I drive it back to
> work and the light will
> come on at somepoint during the drive.
> 2331 Ox Sensor Control #2
> 2212 Throttle Position sensor
> 2341 Knock sensor control 1
> 2143 Knock Sensor control 2
> 2411 EGR
> These codes are all from my morning drive to work,
> and my drive home as I
> cleared them yesterday.  The ones I pulled yesterday
> were similar, I have
> them written down somewhere around here and I'll
> compare them.
> Anyways, anyone have an idea whats causing all these
> different codes?  I'm
> thinking its one thing that crosses multiple
> systems, but it cant be
> anything critical because the car runs great.
> Any ideas?
> Thanks!
> Rob Beatty
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