[V6-12v] Coolant Leak

Greville Bowles gbowles at cansafe.com
Wed May 3 15:03:12 EDT 2006


By "leaks to the floor" do you mean inside the car or onto the garage
floor. If it is inside the car then, yes it could be a heater core, but
that is unlikely in a 4 year old car.. If it leaks onto the garage floor
it could be any number of places. I had a leak from the back of the
engine that was very difficult to see. It turned out to be a pinched
O-ring after reconnecting a coolant line; a very easy fix, but it
required good lighting and a mirror to find it.

Mr. Greville H. Bowles
Ralston CanSafe
525 Glengarry Cres.
Fergus, Ontario  N1M 2W8
Phone: (519) 787-1297  Ext. 39
Fax:   (519) 787-3732
E-mail:   gbowles at cansafe.com

-----Original Message-----
From: Tom Christiansen [mailto:tomchr at gmail.com] 
Sent: Wednesday, May 03, 2006 2:19 PM
To: C. Izquierdo
Cc: v6-12v at audifans.com
Subject: Re: [V6-12v] Coolant Leak


It's the heater core!! It sits in the duct work behind the dash.
That's why it pees on the floor. The reason it's leaving puddles in the
garage, I bet, is because coolant runs out of the heater box through the
evaporator drain. But that last one is a guess.

Did you notice the faint smell of curry soup every time you turned the
heater or fan on? That's the clear tell tale of antifreeze.

Contain the antifreeze inside the car as quickly as possible. It is
very, very difficult (if not impossible) to remove. It'll leave a sticky
mess on the carpet. It happened to me in my previous car. I tried
everything short of professional cleaning to clean it up.
Nothing worked.

But four years... That's a mighty short lifespan for a heater core. It
would be worth while to bypass the heater core to make sure that's
really it.


On 5/2/06, C. Izquierdo <caig01 at yahoo.com> wrote:
> I have a 2002 A6 which is loosing coolant.  It leaks to the floor, but

> I cannot see from where it is coming.  The radiator and its hoses seem

> to be OK, so I presume the leak comes from the back of the engine.  It

> is leaving puddles in the garage.  Does anyone have an idea as to what

> could be causing this and how to access the area?
> Thank you.
> cai
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