[V6-12v] OT: Brake Pad Sensors

James Whitehouse james_whitehouse1 at yahoo.co.uk
Tue Oct 24 12:37:02 EDT 2006

Hi guys,

Sorry this is off topic in that it relates to my Mum's Golf MK IV GTI 20V,
but I know that you guys are a mine of wisdom on Audis, and in this
instance, the golf of this era is very similar to the A3.

I'm having a very puzzling time while replacing the brake pads. The 'check
brake pad' warning came on in the dash, and sure enough they were worn down.
Ordered the brake pads with sensor, as we had the pad-specific warning. On
stripping down the brakes today, none of the original pads had wires on
them, but otherwise identical. Neither was there a connector to which wires
would plug in visible. We therefore cut the wires off the new pad (only one
of them has sensor wires) and installed.

Only thing is, the warning light is still on.

So the question is: how the hell does the car 'know' that the pads are worn
down when there are no sensors in the pad?? It's not taken off the brake
fluid level, we tried disconnecting that, and got a 'stop: brake fluid level
low' warning, not the same as the original warning that still exists 'check
brake pads'...

Anyone got any ideas??


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