[V6-12v] Service andCheck Engine Lights

Chris Thorp thorp at spacia.org
Sat Oct 28 15:40:41 EDT 2006

On Oct 28, 2006, at 11:30 AM, George Tur wrote:

> You have to pull the codes and see if it's complaining about any  
> specific
> sensor readings. From what I've read on some of the other forums  
> the 2.7
> turbo engines do have a history of some sort of oil problems. I  
> don't recall
> if it was with the turbos themselves or with the crankcase  
> ventilation system
> coking up. So far as oil filters are concerned I always go with the  
> oem mahle
> filters which you can buy on line from any worldpac dealer at a  
> reasonable
> price.
Depending on what part of the country the original poster is in,  
there is a high probability that someone with a VAG-COM lives near by  
and would be willing to show off their neat-o tool.  It is worth  
every penny, and then some.

>   My own wild ass guess is that it's the starter not being disengaged
> on the initial startup. On a cold startup pop the hood and lean  
> into the
> engine compartment by the starter and then have someone start the  
> car to see
> if the noise is coming from that area. It could be either the  
> ignition switch
> going bad or the starter solenoid not releasing.
I'm 99% sure that the computer has final say on the starter  
engagement, at least on my 2000 A6.  I'll have to double check my  
car, but as I recall, the starter disengages as soon as the engine  
starts regardless of what I do with the key.  This was likely done in  
response to the crummy switches used in previous models (like my old  
'95 A6).

A previous reply brought up the oil problems of the 2.7t.  It is  
mainly a sludging problem.  Non-synth oil and/or overly long change  
intervals lead to sludge build up which will clog the oil passages.   
In adequate cooldown time after running high boost can contribute to  
this problem.  It's really the same issue as on the 1.8t, but not  
quite as bad because the 2.7t holds WAY more oil (7 quarts, as I  


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