[V6-12v] Service andCheck Engine Lights

Chris Thorp thorp at spacia.org
Sat Oct 28 17:55:37 EDT 2006

On Oct 28, 2006, at 2:50 PM, The CyberPoet wrote:

> I prefer the form factor of the palm-based solution (among other
> reasons, because it's feasible to pull codes while the car is in
> motion). Last time I looked at the solution, the palm had to be
> serial-based (not USB based) which meant older palm models -- cheap
> on ebay.
> Since pulling the codes and looking up the meaning is strictly a
> matter of a simple flat-file database look-up, there should be no
> particular benefit in computer vs. palm in that sense, unless one
> piece of software is more comprehensive than the other.
Does the palm-based solution include descriptions of the measuring  
blocks as well as CAN support?  I'd check myself, but shadetree seems  
to be in the middle of a webpage overhaul.  I'm curious because that  
is a handy form factor.


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