[V6-12v] 1995 90Q Ignition switch/Starter motor...

Kent McLean kentmclean at mindspring.com
Mon Sep 25 07:21:10 EDT 2006

Dr. Gary E. RAFE wrote:
>     Assuming that I need to replace the ignition switch,
>     does anyone have any "been-there-done-that" comments on
>     the replacement procedure ?

I'd put money on it being your ignition switch. BTDT. And yes,
with the switch stuck on the "start" position, you may have
fried your starter. BTDT2.


>  3. I also expect that replacing the starter motor should
>     be more-or-less straight-forward, though comments on
>     this might be useful, too.

I don't know about the 90 series, but on my '94 100 (v6,
fwd, automatic), the mechanic needed to lower half the
subframe to get access.

Kent McLean
'94 100 S Avant, "Moody"
'89 200 TQ, "Bad Puppy" up in smoke

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