[V6-12v] Master and Slave Clutch Cylinder Replacemnts

The CyberPoet thecyberpoet at cyberpoet.net
Thu Nov 8 17:05:07 PST 2007

I don't have experience specific to that model, but if it's like the  
V6's of the early 90's (which I would expect), here's what to expect:

(A) Change the waterpump and thermostat at the same time (you're  
already in there, do it).
(B) The radiator usually needs to come out to give you the space you  
need to work. Good time to flush the cooling system and triple-check it.
(C) The accessories belt should be changed at the same time as well  
-- caution: I know for my model, Audi obsoleted the old-style belt  
and thus replacing the belt actually required also replacing the  
tensioner pulley wheel set-up to use the newer style belt.

=-= Marc Glasgow

PS - wish I lived in your neck of the woods so I could use the same  
mechanic! My Audi guy closed shop (retired) and I've been having a  
dickens of a time finding someone new that's both reasonable and  
experienced -- last time I used a German mechanic that normally does  
BMW/Mercedes, and gave him my three volume bentley, but it was  
obvious that he wasn't used to the V6 audi's...

On Nov 8, 2007, at 7:54 PM, Casimiro Izquierdo wrote:

> I had my mechanic come over last week to replace the clutch  
> cylinders - in about 2 hours, then put a boot on a CV axle and  
> changed the brake fluid on my 1995 90S Audi.  Today he came back to  
> change the disk brake pads and rotors on my 1999 740i BMW.  Parts  
> for the Audi were about $200.00 and I gave him $200 for labour.   
> For the BMW the parts were about $250 and I gave him $150.  I felt  
> a bit guilty about the repairs to the Audi.  The semi-dealer  
> mechanic wanted $1600+ for the Audi repairs and the brake repair  
> for the BMW would have cost me $600.  I think I came out OK on  
> these repairs.
> Before this forum loses any more savvy members, I would like to ask  
> your opinions on a particular repair.  Does anyone have anything to  
> warn me about when changing the timing belt on a 2002 Audi A6 2.7T  
> Quattro?  This is coming up sometime next year and I would want to  
> have this mechanic do it.  He looked in his book and it says that  
> it should take about 2.5 hours.  We surmised that this must not be  
> a very difficult task.  However, I would like to know what  
> procedures or removal and installation tricks I must be cautious  
> when I undertake this job.
> Thank you for all your advice and support.
> cai
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