[V6-12v] reverse lights out on 1995 A6 Wagon... (Rob)

Tom Christiansen tomchr at gmail.com
Wed Feb 27 12:25:04 PST 2008

If the harness is the problem (sounds very likely), I would suggest fixing
it "correctly". Use a soldering iron, cover the joints in heat shrink
tubing, cover the whole thing in heat shrink tubing - preferably the type
that has glue in it so it becomes water tight.

Heat shrink tubing should be available at any electronic parts store (Radio
Shack for example) or at many auto parts stores. Obviously, this assumes you
have a soldering iron, heat gun, and ability to use both.

I fixed the harness in my 1994 90S that way. Works great and doesn't take up
much more space than the original harness.


On Wed, Feb 27, 2008 at 12:06 PM, Mike Veglia <msvphoto at pacbell.net> wrote:

> Check for broken wires at the left hinge for the rear hatch. Our car was
> doing crazy locking things because of this. Very common. Peel back the
> rubber boot to inspect/repair. I had 4 or 5 broken wires (and several others
> about to go). Easiest fix is with small red in-line butt splices, but you
> could spend big bux, buy the harness (if even available), and spend the
> labor time to tear apart the hatch (not fun and some plastic will break
> along the way). I used the butt splices, worked out fine.
> HTH and good luck.
> Mike Veglia
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