[V6-12v] OldSchoolQuattro #5 GTG/AX/Cruise/Picnic July 25-6

James Whitehouse james_whitehouse1 at yahoo.co.uk
Fri Jul 11 02:19:35 PDT 2008

Sounds delightful. If I didn't live in the UK I'd be there!!

James :)

--- On Thu, 10/7/08, Doug Macy <dmacy1 at atlanticbb.net> wrote:
From: Doug Macy <dmacy1 at atlanticbb.net>
Subject: [V6-12v] OldSchoolQuattro #5 GTG/AX/Cruise/Picnic July 25-6
To: v6-12v at audifans.com
Date: Thursday, 10 July, 2008, 5:24 PM

In and around Cumberland MD 21502 - USA

Friday Nite Garage Party, cheap/free camping, Saturday Autocross, cruise,


This will be the 5th year for our little GTG. Emphasis on Older Quattro's
through 95.5 S6, all Audis and their owners Warmly Welcomed!

Friday Night - 2PM until ??? Garage Party with free cold beer and grilled
food compliments of our sponsors... Custom Auto Craft, 034 Motorsports,
Force5 and www.monkeybusinessfashions.com

Free Very Primitive Camping near the garage (1/4 mile) or tent camping with
facilities @ YMCA 1/2 mile away for $10/Person (pavilion, port-a-pot and
access to "Y" for showers) Hotel/Motel info here:
http://www.mdmountainside.com/category.php?category=39 (Holiday Inn, Best
Western, Comfort, Super8 Closest ones)

Saturday Autocross - register here
t-shirt they sell is NOT Old School Quattro Shirt!

Autocross is open to ALL ROADWORTHY CARS.

$35 for 5 autocross runs, loaner helmets and instructors available, noob
friendly event, nice big long fast Airport Autocross course...

Note! - T-shirts (only 25 left) for OSQ-V event here:
http://www.oldschoolquattro.com/apparel.html $15 "pick up" @ event,
$5 extra
and we ship to lower 48.

After the Autocross we cruise for about 1 hour through the local mountain
roads, on the way to the picnic $20 per person (with all the autocrossers)

You can camp again and stay over for:

Sunday Autocross: register Here.

Doug Macy
Cumberland, MD

1990 CQ w/ suspension
1987 4000 Quattro w/ 20VT&034efi
QSW Minty fresh Wagon

Pics here:

Check www.nationalroadrally.com www.polishmountainhillclimb.com

and Old School Quattros... http://www.oldschoolquattro.com/>

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